My first thought was "ewwwww - why are so many people posting about enemas now?!" I'll chalk the assumption up to an interesting episode of the Kardashians where Kourt educated the guilty-pleasure-I-don't-usually-admit-to-watching audience on the benefits of putting oil where the sun don't shine. It was ..... informative .... but pretty much guaranteed me scrolling past the Oil Pulling posts for a while.
BUT (pun intended) after one little search on Pinterest, I realized it was not, in fact, about putting the coconut oil "up there". It goes in your mouth, where most of us would (probably) prefer. Go on - now you've got my attention!
So I did some reading, and there are a TON of benefits that people have written about, like:
- Whitening of the teeth
- Removal of bad bacteria
- Detoxification
- So much more - just Google it already!!
I decided to give it a shot, and now it's part of my morning routine!!! (If you've read some of my other posts, you'll know I'm all about the detox!)
Good news: it's SUPER easy! Here's the deal....
- Take a spoon full of coconut oil
- Put it in your mouth
- Chew until soft
- Swish for 5 minutes
See?!?! EASY!!!!
I like to add a drop or two of essential oils, too, to amp up the experience. I like Orange oil for they yumminess and an extra whitening kick. Peppermint and Thieves are also great options when I need that kind of support (or fresher breath after a night of a garlic-y meal --- I love me some garlic!!!!)
True to form, I learned the hard way, so here are a couple watch-outs!
- Start small, with just a teaspoon at a time. I started with a heaping tablespoon, and almost choked! Coconut oil all over the room would NOT have been fun to clean up (although Chunk would have cllllllll over helping - she LOVES the stuff!).
- Do something else while you're swishing. I just hop in the shower.
- Have some kind of container handy for when it's time to spit it out. I tried using a mug, but it wasn't the best choice for in the shower. It WOULD be, though, if your side goal was to have a skating rink in there (insert eye roll here). I picked up some mini ziplock baggies which work MUCH better.
- DO NOT SWALLOW IT!!!! I didn't actually do this one because I read a lot before hand, but think of what it's doing ....... it's getting all the crap out of your mouth area, and you do NOT want that junk in your body! Spit and rinse, people!!!!!!!
- I like cold pressed organic coconut oil, like Dr. Bronner's! Look for organic (#1) and cold pressed (#2) as much as possible.
Also, I've heard some conflicting opinions on this, but I don't just spit it down the drain. Granted, it's a liquid at around 74 degrees, but I'm just picturing the disaster of 365 days/year of buildup somewhere. But if you do decide to roll the dice, just let me know how that works out for ya!
The results! Like I said above, this one is now part of my daily routine! I started it as soon as we got back from vacation in mid-August, and haven't looked back. My mouth does feel cleaner and my teeth are looking whiter!!! (I took before and after pictures, but they look super aggressive and scary unlike those performed by professional models, so I'll save you the terror. Seriously - how do they show all their teeth while still smiling? I guess that's why they hire professionals!) My mouth just feels fresh and clean --- like I'm doing something great for myself right away every day!
And one more word of caution before wrapping this one up: YOUR DOG WILL TRY TO STEAL IT FROM YOU! Chunk gets coconut oil every morning and loves it - and she couldn't help herself this morning from stealing mine, too! Well played, puppy, well played.......
Did you try it? What did you think?! Comment below!!!!
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